Calum's Page


I love the skate parks in Tasmania. I go on my scooter up and down the big ramps. This photo is from the best skate park in Devonport.



Hello Everyone

I have just come back from a great holiday to Tasmania. I went to visit Grandma & Grandpa for Christmas. I had lot's of fun and visited lot's of great places. These are some of my pictures

This is me and my cousin Jayden playing in the river. I have my fishing rod but didn't catch any fish.

Uncle Sam came home from Ireland for Christmas. He played lot's of cricket with me. This in Eden & myself wrestling with Uncle Sam.

This is a picture of me at the cataract Gorge in Launceston. It has the biggest single span chairlift in the world. I went on with mummy. It went right over the water.

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Last Updated 20/01/2010